Sunday, December 4, 2011

WHEW!  It's been pretty hectic since being back home especially in the midst of the holidays.  I finally have some time to add more pictures.  These were taken on our second day in New York.  Such fond memories for me and the Fab Five!  One thing is for's a lot warmer in Hawaii than in New York.  I don't need my blue beanie and scarf anymore....

On the subway on our way to Battery Park to catch the ferry to Statue of Liberty.

Subway - The Red Line #1 to Battery Park.

The ferry port to Staten Island

View of the Statue of Liberty from the ferry.
One of the many ferries making a round trip to Staten Island.  This looks like the one we are on.
On the upper deck of the ferry.

Upper deck of ferry with all the other tourists.  Cold, but sunny day.
Keoki and the Fab Five with Lady Libery.

“The Statue of Liberty conveys its message of freedom through a number of dramatic symbols.  The broken shackles at her feet signify escape from tyranny.  In her left arm she holds a tablet of law inscribed in Roman numerals the date of American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.  Her crown’s seven rays suggest the seven seas and seven continents.  Most significant of all, however, her torch and flame symbolize truth and justice enlightening the world.”

Isn't she beautiful at 125 years old?  And, check out that clear blue sky! 

You don't see too many pictures of Lady Liberty's backside, but it is just as stunning.

View of Manhattan from the Statue of Liberity
View of manahattan from Liberty Island.  Windy and cold, but beautiful sunny day.
Inside the immigration waiting area at Ellis Island.
9/11 Memorial - South Memorial Pool

9/11 Memorial - North Memorial Pool - Heather Malia Ho of Hawaii.

Flag of Honor displayed at the 9/11 Memorial is made up of names of the victims.

Evemomg at Times Square

Times Square's many Broadway shows' billboards.
Times Square
 Stayed tuned.....more to come!

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